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Frequently Asked Question

Yes. It really does. People are generally very honest when answering questionnaires. However, if they aren't, many tests are designed to catch those who "lie" or try to skew the results in their favour by providing "socially acceptable" answers. People often ask us how one can test for honesty. They make the assumption that if someone's not honest, then they will give dishonest answers on a test.
People who are dishonest (likely to steal from their employer for example) have a mindset that dictates that they are "normal" and that everyone else thinks like they do. This is a common human trait that we all share and which assessments can capitalize upon. The tests help us in identifying undesirable traits and recommend if that the individual should be hired or not.
What's more, if you had simply asked the question in an interview, it is not very likely that the person would have admitted to that type of behaviour to your face. Testing can tell you things that you simply can't find out by any other method.
Yes. We do create our own instruments and develop high-quality tests which are both objective and can also be customized as per the needs of the customer. Developing a test and conducting the research trials needed to prove that it is accurate, valid, reliable, and measures what it says it will measure, takes a great deal of time and money. The tests that we offer have undergone rigorous validity testing and are used by a wide range of companies. We have access to many different kinds of tests and keep developing new tests all the time.
Due to the wide range and number of test formats, parts, versions and selling quantities available, it is often quite difficult to accurately determine what the costs should be.
We have a wide number and range of instruments, often available in different versions or multiple complimentary parts. Prices vary widely and, in many cases, tests are sold in minimum quantities but are sometimes also sold individually. We can help by providing you with specific information and helping you to determine which format or version will best suit your needs and your budget. Therefore, we have provided information on each tool but encourage you to contact us to discuss your needs in more detail. Part of our job is to help you find the most appropriate tool for your needs and make recommendations for other assessments that you may wish to consider. Often, people enquire about a particular tool but would be better served by something completely different but simply aren't aware of what else is available. The test that we recommend might even be better or cheaper than the one that first caught your eye! A quick conversation will enable us to perform a needs analysis and help you find the right tool for the job.
Volume discounts are available for larger quantities. We can also source unusual or specific tools that are not generally available.
Yes.. We offer all our tests online and are constantly adding new tools. Although all the test can be taken online, the results for all the tests may not be automatically generated. Hence, a window of some days is needed in order to generate the reports.
  • Select the right test for the job
  • Know what you want to measure
  • Test for specific skills
  • Types of Tests
  • Finding tests on our website

Select the right test for the job

For instance,

  • Hiring for an entry level position
  • Promoting an existing employee.
  • Assessing a senior employee's skill sets.

Know what you want to measure

There are few one-size-fits-all kind of assessments. Most tests are specific to a certain skill set, job role, or ability. There are also a wide range of assessment products available to help employers test various kinds of skills such as, customer service, retail, management, mechanical ability, honesty, dexterity, safety habits, office skills, computer skills and more. If you know what skills your employees require, then you know what type of tests you need to use to evaluate them.

Sometimes it is necessary to combine a number of tests to accurately measure everything that you want to assess.

Testing enables an employer to...

  • Assess specific skills, attitudes, or aptitudes quickly and accurately.
  • Standardize the application process, to ensure that each candidate is measured against the same criteria.


  • What do I need to know about the applicant before I hire them?
  • What skills must I ensure that they have before I offer them employment?

Test for specific skills

There are a wide range of assessment products available to help employers test for skills in customer service, retail, management, mechanical ability, honesty, dexterity, safety habits, office skills, computer skills and more. If you know what skills your employees require, then you know what type of tests you need to use to evaluate them.

Types of Tests
Basic Skills Tests

Basic skills tests measure skills that should reasonably be expected for most employees, regardless of their position. These are usually the sort of

skills that people obtain in everyday life, elementary school, or high school.

The importance of test validation lies in the fact that, as part of the test development process, any test or assessment tool offered must be validated to ensure that it is accurate, reliable, and legal for use.

Basic skills might include...

  • Reading
  • Arithmetic
  • Measurement
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Reasoning
  • Vocabulary
  • Checking accuracy
  • Computer skills
Aptitude Tests

Aptitude tests measure a person's ability to learn jobs, perform successfully in training, or assess current skill levels, i.e. general mechanical aptitude. These tests can help to select entry-level workers by measuring their general knowledge and natural ability.

Aptitude tests are not usually used to measure specific knowledge; however, some are more specific:

  • Sales Aptitude : This test measures the sales aptitude of the individual on various dimensions which are consequential for being effective in a sales role.
  • Customer Service Aptitude : The test measures the customer service orientation of the individual.
  • General Aptitude : The test measures the general aptitude of an individual and includes various dimensions which are considered to be important for various job roles.
  • Entrepreneurial Aptitude : This test measures the entrepreneurial abilities of an employee.
Skill Tests

Skill tests are generally task- or job-specific. Tests have been developed to help test a person's ability to perform a specific set of tasks or skills.

These tests measure things like...

  • IT Skills
  • Business Communication
  • Accounting Skills
  • Clerical Speed and Accuracy
Personality Tests

Personality tests are designed to help assess aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. In other words, a person's "usual" or normal personality traits; the behaviours or values that make them who they are.

Although these tests are generally very accurate, personality tests are not usually recommended for legal use as pre-hiring assessments. Most employment laws demand that only those skills that can be proven to be requirements for success in a particular position may be tested.

Other Types of Tests

These tests measure various psychological constructs which may be important for various kinds of jobs:

  • Motivation : The test, based on Herzberg's theory, measures the motivation level of an individual, while also highlighting their contribution of various factors to it.
  • Work Ethics : The test measures the morality of an employee at the workplace..
  • Leadership Style : The test is based on the concept of Transformational and Transactional Leaders and helps in understanding their various characteristics.
  • Leader effectiveness : The test is based on Fiedler's theory and helps understand the leadership style of an individual. It also predicts the effectiveness of the leader, based on situational analysis.
  • Emotional Intelligence : The test measures an individual's emotional quotient on various parameters which ultimately help predict success and effectiveness on the job. Useful for managerial positions.
  • Intelligence : The test measures the overall Intelligence Level of an individual..
  • Candidate Risk Profile : The test measures a person's longevity in an organization and can be used while screening candidates.

We provide various kinds of surveys which help in gauging the overall trend of the employee in your organization:

  • Employee Engagement
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Stress Audit
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
Psyft Test
  • Depth (Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced)
  • Time Required to Take the Test
  • Test Format (Online or Paper)
  • Scoring Options (Hand-Scoreable, Faxed Back, Online Report)
Different tests may be scored in different ways:
  • Online tests are automatically scored via the Internet.
  • Some online tests are scored by us: you send us the tests by email or fax; we score the test and send you back a complete report.
The scoring time for tests ranges from instantaneous (online) to up to two - three days for tests scored and analyzed by us.
Sometimes yes, but there are a large number of standardized, validated tests available; customization is rarely necessary.
Customizing a test is very costly and time-consuming, and often requires re-validation. Validation entails completing a series of studies to measure it against known tests and variables. This process can run into thousands of dollars in costs.
Many customers use instruments outside India. It is impossible to be knowledgeable about the employment law for all possible locations. Generally, most tests can be used in most countries. However, there may be issues to contend with. For example, the test may not take into account cultural differences or may not be available in the necessary language. Translating a test can change the use or meaning of words and invalidate the test. It is important to use tests as-is and not make on-site modifications.
If you have concerns about the use of a particular tool, we strongly recommend that you consult with legal counsel familiar with your applicable employment laws or a psychologist within your jurisdiction.