Psyft EES is mobile responsive, making it possible for people to complete the survey anytime, anywhere from their smart phones.
We provide support for both Indian & foreign languages for maximum cultural diversity and usability.
Psyft EES offers holistic analysis that includes: Overall Employee Engagement Score, Demographic Analysis Qualitative Analysis.
We maintain 100% confidentiality & anonymity. We are committed to protecting your data at all times.
Psyft EES also calculates the Employee Net Promoter Score of a company.
We offer post survey interventions like debrief sessions, action planning etc to help you turn your feedback into favorable results.
Psyft Employee Engagement Survey includes research based, business relevant employee engagement parameters to accurately assess the engagement levels & drive sustainable growth. The survey questionnaire is also fully customizable.
Don't just collect feedback, but also act on your feedback! GreenThumbs assists organisations identify & prioritize a strategy for future.
We help organisations draft an Action Plan, indicating at a high level what interventions can be implemented in order to address the pain areas. Organisations can leverage some of the strengths. We also include recommendations on where all GreenThumbs can help with such interventions.
Benchmarking your employee engagement survey to better track and evaluate your performance over time and understand how you can improve it.
Using benchmarks properly allows you to plan your game better. Companies with scores higher than their competitors grow faster.